
Hi! I'm Hayden How

I delve into areas including Web Development

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About Me

Hi! I am Hayden How Zong Han and this is my portfolio. I am a year 1 student in NYP Diploma in Information Technology (C85). I am a member of the subcomm in the NYP Infosec SIG, a special interest group in cybersecurity. I am part of the sysadmin team and responsible for the server administration in ctfs, while also setting a few ctf challenges.

I have a huge passion for IT since I was young and I have delved into areas including Web Development, Cloud Computing, Server Administration, and much more. I am also the Lead Developer and the Operations Director at Ingenious Applications. In this small group of programmers, we aim to make useful applications to give back to society.

I enjoy spending my free time learning more about IT, working on personal projects, and also doing competitive programming on sites like Codeforces.

My Skills• My Skills• My Skills• My Skills•

My Skills

I continually upskill myself in many branches of IT, while also enhancing my soft skills


I had leadership positions in my CCA and led multiple projects and competitions and in my CCA.


I am able to communicate well with my peers and can present my ideas coherently.


I have experience teaching my peers in CCA as I was the trainer for the juniors.

Web Development

I am very passionate in web development and have experience with technologies like React, Flask, SQL.


I am trained in cybersecurity and can ensure security in my work. I have obtained industry certifications in this field such as the ISC2 CC.


I am in charge of the DevOps environment at IA and ensured seamless collaboration. I have worked with technologies like Github Actions and Docker.

Cloud Computing

I am administrating my server and currently training on other technologies like AWS and Azure. I am also training for WorldSkills Cloud Computing.


I am trained in networking and currently preparing for the CCNA Certification.


I was part of the Robotics CCA in Secondary School and participated in competitions and have secured multiple first spots.

Data Science and Machine Learning

I have attended courses in this field such as the AWS Accelerator 2023. I have knowledge in basic topics like deep learning and reinforcement learning.

Competitive Programming

I am a competitive programmer and mainly use C++ for it. I have participated and won many programming competitions such as the National Olympiad in Informatics and Lockheed Martin Codequest.


I am a Math enthusiast and have won math competitions such as the Singapore Math Olympiad and the Singapore Math Project Festival.

My Experiences

Here are some of my notable experiences.


Student Helper for YCEP in 2024. I also joined in as a student in 2023.

NYP Infosec June CTF 2024

I was part of the sysadmin team and helped to host the ctf website and set the tasks.

ANDSS Open-House 2022

I was in charge of the robotics club booth for the coding group.

AWS Accelerator 2023

I joined the AWS Accelerator and learnt about data science, machine learning, and AWS Cloud Computing.

NUS December Course 2022

I joined the December Course and learnt about various types of data structures and algorithms.

Python Programme

I organised a Python Programme for Beginners during HBL for my secondary school.

ANDSS Robotics Club

I was the programming head in the CCA and taught my juniors. I also won various competitions in the CCA.

Amazing Works• Amazing Works• Amazing Works• Amazing Works•


I enjoy spending my free time working on personal projects.

Pathfinder Image

Pathfinding Visualiser

Sorter Image

Sorting Visualiser

Anderson Orders Image

Anderson Orders

Coding Checklist Image

Coding Checklist

My Awards

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Elton Tay

Security Engineer @ Singtel | Cybersecurity, Networking, Back-End Web Development

May 16, 2024, Elton managed Hayden directly

Hayden is a highly motivated individual who has taken the initiative to learn about various technologies and branches of IT. Having first mentored him at a cybersecurity boot camp, he is a quick learner who readily grasps new concepts and apply them. He actively seeks opportunities to expand his knowledge by participating in many competitions and trying out different challenges.

At IngeniousApps, Hayden has demonstrated strong capacity for self learning, evident from his mastery of skills when applying them in a real-life production environment. His deep technical knowledge and unique problem solving approach has proven invaluable in tackling complex challenges. After rising to the position of Lead Developer, he has led the team in various projects, as well as winning the 2024 Lockheed Martin Code Quest for IA with his team by an impressive margin.

It has been inspiring to see Hayden's passion, skill and dedication for IT blossom at such a young age, even going as far to obtaining ISC2 Certified in Cybersecurity & PCEP Certification at the age of 16. His self driven nature and strong foundation in IT makes him a valuable asset for any project he contributes to.